Philippians 4:8 “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

Taken at face value, this verse could easily be about any number of things. Your beloved pet, for example, might in your eyes fit this description. Picturing yourself on a sunny beach surrounded by the people you love most (or maybe no one at all) is certainly a lovely scene, a dream that could offer you some sense of peace amidst your daily routine.
But this verse isn’t just asking us to find reasons to smile, or go to a “happy place.” It’s inviting us to define what is pure, true, and noble, to get to the root of what those words mean, and to let the truth we discover there inspire us.
Upon seeking to define these words clearly, I realized—the one thing that perfectly and completely encapsulates all the lovely adjectives in Philippians 4:8 is God. And if that’s so, this word is clear: we’re to shape our lives and even our thoughts around Him.
For Christians, it is vitally important to monitor what we’re letting into the space of our hearts and minds. The world teems with negative influences, forces that try to turn us away from God and twist His truth—but with God as the pillar of your thoughts, you will not be shaken by the world’s deceptions. More and more, you will find yourself dissatisfied with the shallow goodness of the world, and ever hungrier for the boundless, eternal goodness of God.
Whatever occupies your thoughts will become a part of you. So think about God. Let Him be the focus of your thoughts, the arbiter of your decisions, the reason you wake up in the morning. Invite him into every part of your life. Seek His advice in your uncertainty, His forgiveness in your shame, His peace in your chaos, and you will never be disappointed.
We do not serve a silent God; rather, we serve one that invites us only to meditate on Him—to listen—and be changed.
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