Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2021: the year of change in stasis

My word for 2021 was LEARN. Looking back, I think I did that.

Thank God for His patience with me, and His always faithful love. His goodness is eternal. His steadfastness is a well of courage. He is the only Truth in the universe, and He invites us to seek and find. 

Last year I...

Read the entire Harry Potter series out loud to my husband and son...

Acquired a new old car named Han "Stormtrooper" Solo...

Got a new dining table...

Had the scary leak in our basement fixed by some true professionals...

Found out I'm pregnant again! Baby girl Coté, due in February...

Lost one of the sweetest kitty boys in the world, the dashing and heroic Bombadil...

Said hello to a new friend, Princess Peach, and had fun watching her grow alongside baby Salem...

Grew some flowers in my garden...

Helped plan my sister's wedding to her true love...

And rejoiced very selfishly when they moved into a house only five minutes away...

Painted our house a bright, warm, Abuela's-house-in-Mexico orange (well, I and many friends)...

Made it just past the halfway mark on a novel I've been working on for some time (don't rush me)...

Saw the new baby giraffe at the zoo...

Took my boys to Vala's on a perfectly crisp fall day...

Watched my very cool, very determined husband run a marathon...

Relied on God a lot when our life was turned upside down over one week in November: both cars out of commission, broken and replaced furnace, and Zac lost his job...

Received the precious blessing of peace from the Holy Spirit as I watched God provide for all those needs with perfect timing...

Cheered Zac on as he found a new job...

Celebrated Salem's first birthday...

Spent a huge amount of time, planned and unplanned, at my parents' house, which somehow feels even more like home to me now than when I actually lived there...

Baptized a friend...

Shared dinner with my sister and her husband most Fridays...

Gave and received many gifts...

Cooked many meals, played many games, hugged many friends, sang many songs, read many books...

Daydreamed about the next time I will see Lake Superior...

Resolved to buy more books and fill my home with only good stories...

And to be more intentional with photos documenting a beautiful life...

And to never let fear appear to me more powerful than my God.

This year, my word is INVEST. May God bring fruit out of the learning.

"He who trusts in riches shall fall, but the righteous shall flourish like a green leaf." -Proverbs 11:28

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